Thanks for stopping by!
Truth Church has been serving the greater Texoma area for over sixty years. We are a community of people who are in pursuit of the transforming power of Jesus Christ! we would love to see you this weekend - Our doors and hearts are open to you!
Times and Location
Service times
Sundays: 9:30am
Wednesdays: 7:00pm
3411 South Polaris St. Denison, Texas
What To Expect
What is your service like?
In total, Truth Church services are about 90 minutes in length. You can expect our live worship band and singers to lead us in worship, followed by passionate preaching and teaching from the Bible, and ending with an opportunity to respond to the message with a time of prayer.
What will happen when I arrive?
As you enter either of our drives, you'll find signage and attendants to direct you to parking. You can expect to be greeted with friendly, smiling faces by our Dream Team! They will help you find a seat and answer any questions that you have. If you are a First Time guest, one of our Dream Team members will escort you to our TruBrew coffee lounge located in our south hallway. There you will be treated to a free cup of coffee and a pastry if you would like. We ask that you fill out a Connect Card that one of our Dream Team members will give you. We will ask for you to place the card into the offering or give it to one our Hospitality Team members at the end of service. Don't worry, we won't spam you, we simply want to follow up with you following your visit. At the end of service, one of our Hospitality Team members will ask you to join us in the TruBrew coffee lounge. There you will find Pastor Darren and/or Sis. Ginger, as well as our Family Leaders who would love to meet you and give you a gift as a token of appreciation for joining us.
How do I get connected?
Our goal is to see you become a fully-devoted follower of Christ. To that end, there are a few ways you can get connected. First Steps is designed to provide new members of Truth Church a means of quickly becoming involved in serving at TCOD and utilizing their spiritual gifts. First Steps includes four steps, which are taken over four consecutive Sundays and can be joined at any step, except Step 4. You are welcome to complete First Steps at your own pace as well. Immediately following our Sunday services, First Steps will begin in our First Steps room located in our south hallway. During each step, a box lunch and a drink will be provided for you. We can’t wait to see you!
Step 1 | Learn about TC and our Vision
Step 2 | DISC Personality and Spiritual Gifts
Step 3 | Why You’re Going to Love it Here
Step 4 | Get Connected
If you're interested in making Truth Church your home, First Steps is for you! Here, you will learn about our vision, meet people on the same path as you, and discover where you fit at Truth Church. Typically, First Steps classes last between 45 and 60 minutes.
What should I wear?
Please come as you are! We are glad that you are thinking about visiting. You will find people dressed in a variety of styles, from "smart casual" to jeans/t-shirt. We want you to wear whatever is comfortable for you!
Where do my children go?
When entering from the north parking lot, you'll find a check-in desk for TruKidz. For safety and security purposes, our team will need to register your child and check them in to our system. Someone from our team will then direct your child to the age appropriate space.
TruStudents are in the main worship center on Sundays and on Wednesdays they have their own Youth Worship Service. Click here and check out their social media page.